Swiss Society for Neuroscience |
Newsletter – July 7, 2021
Dear SSN Member
Dear Neuroscientist working in Switzerland
Summer Newsletter
updates you on SSN’s recent activities and important dates. For all points highlighted here and much more, please consult and @SwissSocNeuro!
The SSN Annual Meeting 2022 takes place on January 29, 2022 in Fribourg. The program features Symposia on technology, fundamental and clinical neuroscience, including presentations given by some of Switzerland’s young and promising neuroscientists. We also will provide ample space and time for poster presentations on neuroscience topics of all disciplines. Last but not least, we are pleased to announce our outstanding keynote speakers are: Dr. Gilles Laurent, MPI, Frankfurt and Dr. Antonio Pisani, Tor Vergata, Rome. We hope to see you all there after the Corona interruption! Participation is free for SSN members. For more info:
The young SSN’s Early Career Researchers Symposium is planned for January 28, 2022, in Fribourg. I recommend this event to all young members wishing to participate in an interactive scientific symposium sprinkled with insights into career navigation, job and training opportunities. For more info:
Attending national and international conferences is hopefully becoming part of our agendas soon again. Remember: SSN provides generous Travel Grants for eligible SSN members on a competitive basis to attend their favorite event. Make sure you are a member to be eligible! For more info:
Have you visited SSN’s renewed website ( Consult it to stay updated about SSN’s services and prizes, news on grant opportunities, seminars and conferences, etc. Find updates and info that is critical to help members engage in public debates around neuroscience -> see our Sections on DORA, the ALBA Network, Women in Neuroscience, and Animal Experimentation.
Please send us striking color images from your research (landscape format, max 1-2 MB) that we can post on the front website, together with two sentences for description and reference to your name/research group. We are working on making the website even more attractive and personalized for our members in the coming months.
As SSN member, you are a FENS member. You can register for FENS Forum 2022 at a reduced fee. Do not miss the deadlines! For more info: As SSN member, you also enjoy free access to the European Journal of Neuroscience and can publish open-access at no direct cost.
The SSN is partnering with the ALBA Network for Diversity and Inclusion in the Brain Sciences. The SSN cooperates in the Network’s Pilot Project of Mapping Diversity in the Swiss Brain Science Community. We count on your cooperation in filling out survey documents you will receive in the near future!
The SSN engages in the discourse on Animal Experimentation. The SSN has contributed to a NeuroView article that will appear in Neuron in the course of the summer. You will find arguments that help you engage in the public debate - contribute to clarify the outstanding importance of animal experimentation for advancing brain health and developing therapies for the many brain disorders. For more info:
SSN is made by its members and works for its members – so do not miss the opportunity to participate and provide feedback!
On behalf of the SSN Council, we wish you a nice and healthy summer!
Yours sincerely,
 Anita Lüthi, SSN President
Renew your membership today (Student 40 CHF, Faculty 100 CHF)!
® Swiss Society for Neuroscience, 2021
| Zurich, Switzerland |
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