09:00-09:45 Registration and Poster Setup

09:45-10:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks


10:00-10:45 Keynote lecture: Camilla Bellone, University of Geneva

Neural basis of social motivation: Implication for Autism Spectrum Disorder


10:45-11:10 Coffee Break


11:10-12:30 Parallel symposia

S1: Neuroscience approaches to psychiatric disorders

11:15 Carmen Sandi, EPFL. Mitochondrial function in the nucleus accumbens links anxiety with coping behaviors

11:40 Manuel Mameli, UNIL. Encoding of aversive states in the habenula

12:05 Marie Schaer, UNIGE. Trajectories of social cognition and brain development in young children with autism

S2: Learning and neural plasticity in sensory systems

11:15 Tania Rinaldi Barkat, UNIBAS. Critical periods for plasticity in the developing auditory cortex

11:40 Lut Arckens, Uni Leuven. Reprogramming of sensory cortex: brain adaptations to vision loss in mice

12:05 Daphne Bavelier, UNIGE. Learning to learn: lessons from action video game play


12:30-14:00 Poster session (odd) and lunch

14:00-15:30 Poster session (even) and lunch

13:30-14:15 SSN business meeting

14:15-14:30 Honorary Membership and Best Publication Awards

14:30-15:15 Swiss Brain Council Initiative


15:30-16:50 Parallel symposia

S3: Coding and decoding: machine learning in brain sciences

15:35 Anne-Lise Giraud, UNIGE. The use of artificial intelligence in cognitive neuroscience: geometry versus function

16:00 Shih-Chii Liu, UNIZH. DNNs for cognitive scence analysis: decoding EEG signals and source separation

16:25 Athena Akrami, UCL. How sensory history impacts present stimuli in perceptual decision making and working memory tasks

S4: Lipid metabolism in the brain (ySSN)

15:35 Marlen Knobloch, UNIL. Metabolic regulation of neural stem cells

16:00 Marie-Claude Potier, CNRS Paris. Cholesterol and ApoE in Alzheimer's disease

16:25 Mark Verheijen, Uni Amsterdam. Control of synaptogenesis and myelination by astrocyte lipid metabolism


17:00-17:45 Farewell Apero & Best Poster Awards