SSN’s engagement in the Discourse on Animal Experimentation in Switzerland

Some history:

The SSN has traditionally invested itself in raising awareness and educating its membership in the debate about animal experimentation.

The SSN used to organize Training Courses on Animal Experimentation (to obtain the credits for continued education)

Members of the SSN were part of launching the Basel Declaration

The SSN has been represented in the FENS Committee on Research in Animals (CARE). Our current representative is: Prof. Camilla Bellone, UNIGE

The SSN Presidents have reached out to regional and national lawmakers to express the voice of the membership in debates prior to votations


What our goals are:

The SSN supports all national and international efforts to spread the message that neuroscience needs animal experimentation.

The SSN is open to engage in discussions about how to implement the 3R principles.

The SSN wants to provide the necessary info to its members to help them on how to best communicate about his/her research in the public debate


What we are currently doing:

We provide timely updates on the discussions on the national initiative. Here is the link to the official website and here you find the retranscription of the debate on March 10, 2021.

We are in contact with institutions and organizations who provide pertinent information for the public. Here a few important links:


We distribute and contribute to articles in scientific journals jointly written by colleague expert scientists. See here a recent publication on the standing of good practice in Animal Experimentation and Reproducibility. See here a recent article in Current Biology on the need of Animal experimentation. More to come!