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Women in Neuroscience

The SSN is committed to initiatives to support and encourage women neuroscientists in their careers. All members, please contact us for important info to share and post here!

We provide here info and contacts that we identify as useful for our female members.

Please see here important databases on female life and neuroscientists across Switzerland and internationally:

-> The Womenplus in Biophysics website that just went online in February 2021! Being part of this directory is really easy: just fill in your information using the form "Submit your information" and your profile will be online the next working day. 

On the keys to the success of this directory is to spread the word about its existence! Do you know someone that should to be part of this list? You can nominate a scientist by sending them an e-mail!

The ALBA network provides a platform to search for women working on specific topics in specific countries, check it out here.

-> There is also the Anne Churchland list that is very popular as a resource to identify female scientists, grouped by topics, seniority, etc.

Worthwhile reads:

-> The UNESCO Science Report towards 2030

-> The gender equality website of the Federal Government

-> The article in The European Journal of Neuroscience on gender bias with exemplary data-based argumentation!


Take note of the following recent initiatives:

-> The 500Women Scientists, calling out the persistent gender inequality in the academic hierarchy at Swiss institutions, with upcoming events in Zürich and in Fribourg-Bern
