Print View

Your printed page will look something like this.

Access old account

  1. go to 
  2. select Members > Login
  3. select 'reset password'. Supply your email address (as occurs in any SSN communication with you. SSN recognizes you by that address ). You will receive by email to that address a reset URL. (Please check your SPAM folder in case you don't receive the reset email)
  4. Copy the reset URL from the email and paste it into your browser URL lookup. (For reasons of security, we do not offer a 'hot link' for password reset).  Update your password at the URL supplied.
  5. Login to (Members > Login) and you will be directed to your profile page.
  6. On the profile page, you will see that you are 'not a member'. Select the red 'Memberships' button to renew your membership for 2019. You will be directed to the membership renewal form. Ensure that relevant fields are correctly completed and submit the renewal application.
  7. You will be directed to a secure STRIPE credit card payment page. (There no other methods of pament).
  8.  You will receive (after some 24hrs)  email acknowledgement  that you are now a paid-up Member of SSN for 2019. Congratulations!
  9. When you login again, you will see that you are now a Member of the relevant type until October 2019.
  10. You may still see a 'Join' option. If you do, please ignore this option. It is a bug that we are working on. DO NOT rejoin the SSN!!


If you don't know the email address of your old account, contact us.